
Sacred 2 Skill Slots

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Sacred 2 introduces item slots that are limited with what they are able to socket. This means, for example, that if there is a number of slots on an item, perhaps only one would be capable of socketing a ring, with the other slot being only capable of socketing a rune. Skills: Skills are how you can focus on specific abilities like Ranged Weapons or Dual Wielding which can also unlock additional attributes on certain items. More information on skills can be found at the Sacred 2 Wiki: Skills page. Survival Bonus: Dying has a downfall but you won't lose items, experience or levels. However, you will lose a. This will explain how you’ll get new skill choices, skill points, and additional slots. A weapon slot and a combat art slot are granted when the player reaches level 3, 11, and at 25. Levels of 1-4 will give a skill point for every level gained.

Its been awhile since the release of Sacred 2 and with the impending release of the experience for pc players, I have to wonder if new skills that are accessible to all characters are going to be introduced. If so and we arent getting any new slots for skills10 max, then well have to rid oursel. In the settings you can enable 'autocast'. And so the skills will be applied when you push the button pattern matching. Or by double-pushing, if skill is not the 'active' (google translate) Last edited by Stordan; Aug 1, 2013 @ 7:01am.

How to Socket or Forge

Sacred 2 allows players to create their own unique weapons and armor by 'socketing' jewelry, rings, amulets, and runes into their gear. A player does not need the Blacksmith skill to forge or socket items. All that is necessary is a visit to the Blacksmith NPC, where item socketing can be paid for. The Blacksmith's location can always be recognized by the anvil icon that appears on the map () or above the NPC's head in game. A Blacksmith's forge is usually outside and easy to spot. You can usually hear the sounds of them hammering metal. You can also look for shop signs:

Elf Region
Human Region
Desert Region
Blacksmith Forging Screen

Socketing in Sacred 2 is considerably more expensive than in Sacred. As well, because of the larger number of variables involved with being able to produce quality forged items, builds that were intensely equipment-based via socketing in Sacred may not come as easily as before in Sacred 2. In Sacred, slots all had the same capacity of being able to socket all socketable items with a small variance in bonuses given for items forged in bronze, silver, gold, and green slots. Sacred 2 introduces item slots that are limited in what they are able to hold. This means, for example, that if there are several slots on an item, perhaps only one would be capable of socketing a ring. Sacred 2 also gives forge bonuses for weapons that contain silver or gold slots.

When starting to forge a new item, the player will see the Forge/Socketing screen. Bring the item you wish to have socketed over to the field under the word Forging. For console users, just select the item you wish to forge. (The item must not be equipped or it won;t show up) Only Items that have slots within them can be placed here:

The player can place the item which possesses slots within the Forging field. Following down the field, along the right, will be seen the number and quality of slots that the item has. In the case of this sword, the player will see that there are two slots available for socketing, as well as an indication of the quality of the slots. The cursor is indicating that within one of the two slots available, the quality of this slot is Silver, and can therefore socket runes, smith arts, and rings. Just like above, for the console users, select the item you wish to socket into the previously selected item.

Blacksmith Arts

Blacksmith Arts are special Combat Arts that a Blacksmith offers and can socket. They are not found on runes like other CAs, but are instead chosen from the bottom of the Forge Screen. There are three of these Blacksmith Arts, each with different benefits, and they can be socketed in place of runes, jewelry, or damage-type items such as ice crystals.

Bug: Blacksmith Arts forged into single slot items can only be removed by selling the item to a merchant (or blacksmith) and then buying the item back

1. Enhance

  • Regeneration Time -X% (bonus)

2. Anneal

  • Armor +X%

3. Whet

  • Damage+X%

In the example shown below, by clicking on the first Blacksmith Art, Enhance, any available slot that this Blacksmith art can be socketed successfully into will turn green.

Since the Silver slot allows runes to be socketed into it, the player can now take the Moribund Animus rune from his inventory and place it into the silver slot. Because a player benefits from the secondary effects (indicated on a rune by the smaller of the two descriptions) of another character class's runes, the player in this case would have successfully forged a weapon that now has an extra +3 Life Leech Per Hit. (For more information about the properties of runes from different difficulties, see the Benefits of Forging Runes tables.)

Press Forge... socketing is now complete!

In the Sacred Demo, there is no penalty for removing a socketed item; this means that you can take out an item, and none of the other items will be destroyed. In the retail version of Sacred, however, removing one of a number of socketed items means the other items will be destroyed. However, level 75 of Blacksmith mastery offers a chance of not having items destroyed when one is taken out.

Type of Slots

There are 4 different kinds of slots available on weapons and armor. The slot colors determine which types of items may be forged in them.

Bronze Slot

Bronze slots allow the player to socket runes and Blackmith Arts only.

Silver Slot

Silver slots allow the player to socket runes, Blacksmith Arts, and rings. Silver slots also provide a bonus (7%) to stats on forged items.

Gold Slot

Gold slots allow the player to socket runes, Blacksmith Arts, rings, and amulets. Gold slots provide a significant bonus (15%) to stats on forged items.

Damage Type Slot

The Damage Type slot allows you to socket the following:

Chunk of Lava (fire)
Converts a percentage of physical damage into fire damage.
Poison Fang (poison)
Converts a percentage of physical damage into poison damage.
Magic Pearl (magic)
Converts a percentage of physical damage into magic damage.
Ice Crystal (freeze)
Converts a percentage of physical damage into ice damage.
Sacred 2 skill slots skill

The above items will convert a percentage of the original weapon damage (usually from Physical) into the new, chosen element. For example, if a player wanted to enhance fire damage, he would socket one or more 'Chunk of Lava' into their chosen gear and that would give them ~30-50% of the previous damage now as fire damage instead of physical. The more elemental damage a player can produce, the better the chance of applying the relevant Secondary Damage Effect.


  • Damage converters can drop from opponents and also can be purchased from Blacksmiths. If one Blacksmith lacks the converter you need, try another. There exist different qualities of converters which are indicated by the colour of their name. In order of weakest to strongest they are Grey, White, Blue, Yellow. Higher quality converters can be found in different ways such as through the Bargaining Skill to improve merchants goods for sale or by socketing items with Chance to find valuables and choosing Enhanced Perception Skill.
  • If a player has taken the Blacksmith skill, items can be forged in lesser slots. For instance, the Blacksmith NPC can only forge an amulet in a gold slot, while a player with this skill may forge an amulet in either a gold or a silver slot.
  • The value of the modifier on the ring and/or amulet is stored by Sacred 2 as a decimal (eg, it it might be +2.4 All Skills), but only displayed (and applied) as an integer. The socketing bonus is applied to the full value (2.4 in this example), which is why a player might socket a +2 all skills ring and end up with +3 all skills.

Blacksmith Tools
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  • 1Combat Art Skills
    • 1.2Aspect Skills

Skills improve the hero's characteristics in many different ways. Each character class has different skills. On reaching the next experience level, the player can distribute additional skill points in order to improve these existing skills. The number of skill points gained depends on the level of the hero. These abilities are very powerful and they should be chosen carefully depending on the character class and the preferred style of playing. Players can choose a maximum of ten skills.

  • Players of all classes will receive a new skill choice at the levels: 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 18, 25, 35, 50 and 65.
  • One additional weapon slot and Combat Art slot are granted at the levels: 3, 5, 10 and 20
  • Between level 1-4 One skill point is gained per level up.
  • Between level 5-11 Two skill points are gained per level up.
  • Between level 12-24 Three skill points are gained per level up.
  • Between level 25-49 Four skill points are gained per level up.
  • Between level 50-200 Five skill points are gained per level up.
  • By leveling up, a player can gain a total of 911 skill points to spend on skills. ((3 * 1) + (7 * 2) + (13 * 3) + (25 * 4) + (151 * 5) = 911)
  • 1 skill point is granted with each skill choice. Thus the total possible number of skill points is 911 + 10 = 921
  • Similarly, a player can gain a total of 401 attribute points to spend on attributes. ((48 * 1) + (100 * 2) + (51 * 3) = 401).
  • With the Community Patch installed, a player has an opportunity to gain skill and attribute points as a reward for certain side quests, thus increasing the maximum numbers of points that can be distributed. Two quests give you this possibility, but the extra points will only be available once you reload the game. Those quests are:
    • Ancaria Airlines in Sloeford.
    • Feed the Poor in Thylysium (Light Side Campaign only).

Character Level123581012182025355065150200
New Skill choice given at level:
# of Skill points gained on level up:12345
# of Attribute points gained on level up:123
New Weapon/Combat Art Slot at level:

Combat Art Skills

General Skills

Ancient Magic - Increases damage for Spell Damage Based Combat Arts and reduces the opponent's damage resistances when mastered.

  • Primary skill choice for: None
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior
  • With Ice and Blood: Secondary skill choice for Seraphim
  • With Community Patch: Secondary skill choice for Temple Guardian

Combat Discipline - Increases damage and improves regeneration for Combos. Also increases the number of Combat Arts allowed in a combo.

  • Primary skill choice for: Inquisitor
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, High Elf, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Temple Guardian

Concentration - Improves regeneration for all Combat Arts, and allows the use of up to three simultaneous buffs when mastered.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, High Elf, Seraphim
  • Secondary skill choice for: Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Temple Guardian

Aspect Skills

All Primary aspect skills in the left column below may be chosen as soon as a character reaches level two.All Secondary aspect skills in the right column below may be chosen only after a Primary skill from the left column has five 'hard' skill points within it which are only given to a player upon gaining a new level.

Dragon Mage

Dragon Magic Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Dragon Magic.
Elemental Magic Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Elemental Magic.
Mentalism Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Mentalism.
Dragon Magic Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Dragon Magic.
Elemental Magic Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Elemental Magic.
Mentalism Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Mentalism.


Capricious Hunter Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Capricious Hunter.
Cabalistic Voodoo Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Cabalistic Voodoo.
Nature Weaver Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Nature Weaver.
Cabalistic Voodoo Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Cabalistic Voodoo.
Nature Weaver Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Nature Weaver.

High Elf

Arrant Pyromancer Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Arrant Pyromancer.
Mystic Stormite Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Mystic Stormite.
Delphic Arcania Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Delphic Arcania.
Arrant Pyromancer Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Arrant Pyromancer.
Mystic Stormite Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Mystic Stormite.
Delphic Arcania Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Delphic Arcania.

Sacred 2 Skill Slots Free Play


Gruesome Inquisition Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Gruesome Inquisition.
Astute Supremacy Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Astute Supremacy.
Nefarious Netherworld Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Nefarious Netherworld.
Astute Supremacy Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Astute Supremacy.
Nefarious Netherworld Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Nefarious Netherworld.


Exalted Warrior Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Exalted Warrior.
Celestial Magic Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for this Celestial Magic.
Revered Technology Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Revered Technology.
Celestial Magic Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Celestial Magic.
Revered Technology Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Revered Technology.

Shadow Warrior

Astral Lord Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Astral Lord.
Death Warrior Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Death Warrior.
Malevolent Champion Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Malevolent Champion.
Astral Lord Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Astral Lord.

The Shadow Warrior does not have any Secondary Aspect skills.

Temple Guardian

Devout Guardian Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Devout Guardian.
Lost Fusion Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Lost Fusion.
Source Warden Lore
Increases damage, critical chance, and cast speed for Source Warden.
Lost Fusion Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Lost Fusion.
Source Warden Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for Source Warden.

Offensive Skills

Damage Lore - Provides a better chance for applying 'status effects' (e.g., burning with fire damage) on monsters.

  • Primary skill choice for: Inquisitor
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, High Elf, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Temple Guardian

Dual Wield - Grants the ability to wield two one-handed (non-ranged) weapons. Increases attack speed and attack value for both weapons.

  • Primary skill choice for: Inquisitor
  • Secondary skill choice for: Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Dryad

Hafted Weapons - Increases attack speed, attack value, and max item level usable without penalties when wielding a hafted weapon.

  • Primary skill choice for: Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: None

Magic Staffs - Increases attack speed, attack value, and max item level usable without penalties when wielding a staff.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, High Elf, Inquisitor
  • Secondary skill choice for: Seraphim, Dryad
  • With the expansion, this skill now allows a staff user to shoot magic missles as a distance attack. If you have fire damage added, the victim will suffer fire damage over time. Seraphim and Dryad now have this weapon choice as a secondary skill with the expansion.

Pole Arms - Increases attack speed, attack value, and max item level usable without penalties when wielding a pole arm.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim
  • Secondary skill choice for: High Elf, Inquisitor

Ranged Weapons - Increases attack speed, attack value, and max item level usable without penalties when wielding a ranged weapon.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dryad, Seraphim
  • Secondary skill choice for: High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Temple Guardian

Speed Lore - Increases attack and defense, and run speed.

  • Primary skill choice for: None
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Temple Guardian

Sword Weapons - Increases attack speed, attack value, and max item level usable without penalties when wielding a sword.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dryad, High Elf, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Inquisitor

Tactics Lore - Increases damage and chance for critical hits with all weapons.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: None

Defensive Skills

Armor Lore - Improves resistances, increases maximum item level without penalties, and decreases regeneration penalty from armor.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dryad

Combat Reflexes - Improves Evasion statistic (Chance to Evade Attacks), and reduces the chance of receiving a critical hit from an attack.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dryad, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Temple Guardian

Constitution - Increases health and health regeneration.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Shadow Warrior
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dryad, High Elf, Inquisitor, Seraphim, Temple Guardian

Pacifism - Reduces damage taken in PvP (all possible ramifications still unknown).

  • Primary skill choice for: None
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Temple Guardian

Shield Lore - Grants the ability to use higher-level shields without penalties and increases their Defense Value.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim
  • Secondary skill choice for: High Elf

Spell Resistance - Increases resistance to spells and protection from spell-based critical hits (from any Spell Damage Based Combat Arts used by enemies).

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, High Elf, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim

Toughness - Improves resistances and provides a percentange of damage mitigation.

  • Primary skill choice for: Inquisitor, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim

Warding Energy Lore - Increases shield energy and damage absorption for Combat Arts that use/create an Energy Shield (e.g., Temple Guardian's T-Energy Shroud). When mastered, increases speed of shield regeneration.

  • Primary skill choice for: Seraphim, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: None

General Skills

Alchemy - Enhances the effectiveness of all potions and allows use of certain consumables (Trophies).

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad
  • Secondary skill choice for: High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim
  • With Community Patch: Secondary skill choice for Temple Guardian

Bargaining - Item price is displayed in inventory, and merchants will offer more favorable prices and better items.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, High Elf, Inquisitor
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dryad, Seraphim, Temple Guardian
  • With Community Patch: Secondary skill choice for Shadow Warrior

Blacksmith - Allows the player to socket items and exclusive enhancements without having to use a Blacksmith.

  • Primary skill choice for: Shadow Warrior, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: Inquisitor
  • With Community Patch: Secondary skill choice for Seraphim, Dragon Mage, High Elf, Dryad

Divine Devotion - Improves regeneration of the Divine Gift (God spell) and unlocks some additional attributes.

  • Primary skill choice for: Dryad, High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Temple Guardian

Sacred 2 Skill Slots No Deposit

Enhanced Perception - Increases chance of 'seeing' invisible monsters and 'magical hiding places.'

  • Primary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad, Seraphim, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: High Elf, Shadow Warrior
  • With Community Patch: Secondary skill choice for Inquisitor

Riding - Grants the ability to ride better horses, reduces regeneration penalty while mounted, and unlocks special mount abilities (increased movement speed).

  • Primary skill choice for: High Elf, Inquisitor, Shadow Warrior, Seraphim, Temple Guardian
  • Secondary skill choice for: Dragon Mage, Dryad

Sacred 2 Skill Slots Games


Sacred 2 Skill Slots Skill

Any investment to the skills has a linear diminishing returns: in other words, with the same absolute increase of the parameter, percentage increase with each attachment skill point is becoming less and less (excluding Bargaining skill, see corresponding section). This fact suggests that the most reasonable to allocate the available skill points between many different skills, as returns from such investments is 15-20% higher than if we invest all points in few skills. The best solution would be not to raise none of the skills above 75 till the moment when all of them reach this mark, and then distribute points for most necessary skills.

Sacred 2 skill slots no deposit

There is incredible low efficiency of return with the growth of skill above 150: to invest above 75 has meaning for LoreFocus of specific school, 'Bargaining', 'Constitution' (HP are never too much), 'Armor Lore' and 'Shield Lore' (increases locked item modifiers, see corresponding section), also attention should be paid to the 'Toughness' skill, as its 'Damage Mitigation' directly added to other same bonuses, and on platinum and niobium 'Damage Mitigation' option helps against the incoming damage better than armour (especially important against the bosses and Combat Arts of Champions, having a large amount of damage).

See also

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